Issue 2

Tales of Vertical Trails

Route Development Revolution

Life was stressful and there were no guarantees of anything at this time. We both knew one thing: We had no money for bolts, but we had lots of time, and needed an outlet. Andrew started a Go Fund Me on a whim…and it shot off like lightning. This was really the grass roots support which lit up development in the Nordegg area.

Issue 2

Route Development Revolution

In 2020, Andrew and I had no money … none. I had just moved my family and assumed a second mortgage weeks prior to finding out I could not work, as my industry had been deemed non essential. Life was stressful and there were no guarantees of anything at this time. We both knew one thing: We had no money for bolts, but we had lots of time, and needed an outlet. Andrew started a Go Fund Me on a whim…and it shot off like lightning. This was really the grass roots support which lit up development in the Nordegg area. If it had not been for the generous donations of many folks during those uncertain times we would not have had the development revolution in Nordegg. I am eternally grateful for the support of the Central Alberta Climbing Community.

Check out the DTCA bolt fund on goFundMe and see if you can support the development:


Tim Taylor on the From Nordegg With Love Via Ferrata West of Nordegg, Alberta

Isn’t the OG guidebook pretty?

Mike Adolph, Jay Mills, & the COE Climbing Guidebook

Between 2015 to 2020 I had become very involved with route development in the Nordegg area. I had bolted a fair number of sport routes and established multi pitch routes at Yambraham. 

Enough praise can never be given to Mike Adolph and the many COE guides who continued to pursue route development and cataloguing over the 20 years prior to the Development Revolution. Jay Mills must be mentioned in this list of names as his contributions are foundational and monumental. Rolf Adolph tirelessly edited and printed the COE pamphlet and supported us during the editing transition. He must also be noted with much gratitude.

Between 2015 to 2020 I had become very involved with route development in the Nordegg area. I had bolted a fair number of sport routes and established multi pitch routes at Yambraham. 

Brian Olstad and the DTCA

In 2020 Mike Adolph asked me to take over developing the update to the guidebook…and I was in over my head. The COE guidebook was stored and edited on Microsoft Publisher at the time and I needed help. Andrew connected me with Brian Olstad. After many hundreds of hours of content editing and general suffering on my part, Brian came along and took over formatting and publishing. 

Without Brian there would be no David Thompson Climbing Association, he is the magic in the formula. I am forever grateful that Brian entered my life through Andrew Abel. Brian volunteers untold hours annually and asks for no credit. He often feels sheepish about having an ad for his business Red Point Creative in the guidebook…as though it is not warranted.

the 2020 David THompson Corridor Guidebook
the 2022 David THompson Corridor Guidebook
David Thompson Climbers Association Logo
Brian Olstad Climbing

More Tales of Vertical Trails:

Know When To Fold ‘Em

Know When To Fold ‘Em

I had this somewhat unrealistic vision of a line up the most dominant fold on the east face of Mount Elliott, and I had only one day off work in July to complete it. Why not give it a shot? The stars aligned and Phil was available, so we packed our bags and prepared...

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Ultimate Nordegg Thing

Ultimate Nordegg Thing

During my early years of development, I had added two multi pitch routes to the Yambraham area. I knew we could get a lot of climbing on the way up the southwest and have six short rappels to exit off the eastern Yambraham side. The day promised to be hot and we had a...

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Bloody Coleslaw

Bloody Coleslaw

The sight of him was unexpected. As our day wrapped up, I had an itch to bolt a line that had been on my mind for quite some time. I invited Per to join and we all headed up the route called After, to the big tree ledge. I knew that this route would be a high quality...

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We’d love to answer questions or plan your custom guided mountain adventure! 
