Issue 15

Tales of Vertical Trails


The saga continued during the late October days. I caught myself finding any and every excuse to head up and work on Unfinished Business. As winter came I was getting closer, but needed to hit the gym and do one more bolting pass before the route would be completed.

Issue 15


Fall bled into winter, by now I was done toying around with this route, I was fixated. I needed to wrap this project up so that I could move on, but it would have to wait for spring.
Spring of 2024 arrived and brought with it a very warm May. I still had my mind set on Unfinished Business, however I wanted to develop another crag and use it as a training ground to up my game enough for the send. I set my sights on Mandalore and went to work. Brian and Dan joined me a number of times and I enjoyed a lot of days cleaning and rope soloing the harder routes that Mandalore hosts. Working at Mandalore is tough, and the climbing is steep. Access is difficult and it is physically demanding. It was the perfect place to get stronger for Unfinished Business. I climbed there for many days and was able to open up a number of the routes. It is a good crag with more potential, for those willing to scrub and clean.
Tim Taylor<br />
Bolting Mandalore
Bolting Mandalore
Bolting Mandalore

More Tales of Vertical Trails:

(Un)finished Business – Finished!

(Un)finished Business – Finished!

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Happy People Crag

Happy People Crag

In the Nordegg area we almost always have to compromise on one of these qualities, so it's pretty special when a crag boasts all of them. Happy People Crag does just that. We ran into this crag a few years back and noted it. In 2024, Liz Taylor and I had a bit of...

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Rockies Ringlock & Filthy With Minerals

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