Issue 16

Tales of Vertical Trails

No Lights On Fridays

Ethan Woodside had been eyeing up a line on Mount Abraham, and I needed a break from hanging in my harness. So we loaded up our packs with bolts and a trad rack and headed up to the base of a wonderful ramp. This was the beginning of No Lights On Fridays

Issue 16

No Lights On Fridays

This was the beginning of No Lights On Fridays, which turned out to be a very fun adventure. The first two pitches are long and moderate with a few bolts for protection along the way. We added bolted stations as we went and fixed this fun mixed modern route.
Of note, Ethan got to do some of his first ground up bolting on this day and he was a natural. It was fun to be out establishing from the ground up with a good friend. I quested out on the crux pitch, which we knew would be more difficult than anything else on the wall. The climbing was engaging and drilling protection bolts along the way was difficult. This aesthetic route was the first path to the summit of Tansi Tower. Tan’si Tower greets you from the highway so we chose a name that means hello in Cree and Machif.

It just so happened that we had enough anchor stations in our kit to rappel the face of Tan’si Tower and establish a rappel route where we were pretty sure another line could ascend. Ethan and I did a cleaning pass on what would become Rockies Ringlock that afternoon. We descended with a sense of fulfillment and excitement.

No Lights On Fridays
No Lights On Fridays
No Lights On Fridays

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(Un)finished Business – Finished!

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Happy People Crag

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Rockies Ringlock & Filthy With Minerals

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