Issue 18

Tales of Vertical Trails

Happy People Crag

I am always on the lookout for crags where everything comes together. A short approach, good sun exposure, protection from the wind, and a flat base need to be paired with good rock quality for this to occur.

Issue 18

Happy People Crag

In the Nordegg area we almost always have to compromise on one of these qualities, so it’s pretty special when a crag boasts all of them. Happy People Crag does just that.

We ran into this crag a few years back and noted it. In 2024, Liz Taylor and I had a bit of spare time in the mountains and decided we should establish this zone. Happy People is set up as a fun, confidence building, and generally low risk zone. I recommend heading up there early in the season to pitch some laps and remind yourself how to use your feet on rock! Enjoy it!

Happy People Crag
Happy People Crag
Happy People Crag

More Tales of Vertical Trails:

(Un)finished Business – Finished!

(Un)finished Business – Finished!

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Rockies Ringlock & Filthy With Minerals

Rockies Ringlock & Filthy With Minerals

Route development days almost always fall in between another day or two in the mountains for me.They are a natural outflowing of my passion to share these mountains with other travellers and unlock their secret pathways. On route development days things can have a...

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No Lights On Fridays

No Lights On Fridays

This was the beginning of No Lights On Fridays, which turned out to be a very fun adventure. The first two pitches are long and moderate with a few bolts for protection along the way. We added bolted stations as we went and fixed this fun mixed modern route. Of note,...

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